
October 20, 2009

1.2 the birthday cake

Some of my friend threw me early surprise birthday celebration at Secret Recipe, Juru Autocity. I am so thrilled as they got me the birthday cake with a Bubbles of PowerPuff Girls for me. Bubbles is my all time favorite cartoon character. Thank you all for the surprise.

I am now officially turned 24. During my teenage years, i always wanted to get married by the time I am 25. Firstly because the age is just suitable for a girl to get married, and my 25th birthday will be on 20.10.2010. Isn't it going to be such a lovely date? :P

October 18, 2009

1.0 the first attempt

My first attempt in live blogging ;)
I create this blog to post pictures in daily basis. Captured mostly via my mobile phone but might as well by my cybershot or 1000d.
Oh and my post might not be so 'daily' but i'll try to make it at least twice per week.
Wish me luck.


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