
December 23, 2010

Rakyat Malaysia Terancam - Cegah Sebelum Terlambat

[Live blogged by julia a.k.a bubbles182 at 23 Dec '10, 8.57am MYT PST]

Amalkan gaya hidup sihat!

Saw this ads on the train. Agak menakutkan the title kan? Huhu. Yes, Malaysians are said to not having a very healthy lifestyle. Betul ker?
Come to think of it, I asked myself : Do you live a healthy lifestyle? No, I don't think so. I might not be smoking, not taking alcohol. But I dont think I practise a healthy lifestyle enough. Pemakanan tak berapa nak jaga, tak bersukan, tidur waktu tak menentu. Isk. Must take care of ownself better!

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